Let’s face it, waiting for a case to progress to trial can at times feel like watching grass grow; the Civil Court system is not known for its speed in disposing cases, it can take years to get from index number to trial. Civil plaintiffs who seek to recover for an injury must wait and wait some more. Considering the need to promptly file in order to satisfy statute of limitations and perhaps notice of claim requirements to bring an action, pursuing a civil case in New York State Supreme Court can feel a lot like hurry up and wait. While the plaintiff is waiting for their day in Court, oftentimes they cannot work due to the injuries suffered that prompted the lawsuit; bills continue to add up, legal loans can help but the interest rates are less than friendly.
What’s a plaintiff to do? Injured, can’t work, don’t want a high interest loan; the plaintiff just wants their day in Court. What’s a plaintiff’s lawyer to do to help the client? The answer: seek special trial preference and if possible seek multiple preferences (a.k.a. stacking preferences).